Political Science-[FPSC-U.S A. CSS]-(USA) Political Science Pakistan Constitution Set-(USA) Political Science Political Parties and Pressure Group Set-(USA) Political Science France Constitution Set-(USA) Political Science France Constitution set-(USA) Political Science Political Parties and Pressure Group Set-Political Science Constitution and Constitutional Government Set-(USA) Political Science Fascism Set-[USA] Political Science India Constitution Set/3 Sample Test,Sample questions

  At the time of commencement of the Indian Community how many years were laid down for appointment to the post in the Railways Customs Postal & Telegraph services for the Anglo-Indian community:

1.2 years

2.5 years

3.4 years

4.6 years

  In how many parts the Budget is presented in Lok Sabha?



3.Three years


  In the Constituent Assemble which words were associated with the Parliament?

1.Parliament of the Legislature

2.Parliament of the Union

3. Parliament of the Federation

4.All the above

  In the Constituent Assembly which committee recommended that Indian Constitution adopt Parliamentary Form of Executive:

1.Drafting Committee

2.Constitutional Committee

3.Union Constitution Committee

4.All the above

  In which two Lok Sabha Women Representation was equal

1.First and Sixth Lok Sabha

2.First and Eighth Lok Sabha

3.First and Fifth Lok Sabha

4. First and Ninth Lok Sabha

  Presiding Officer of the Lok Sabha is:


2.Prime Minister


4.None of them

  The Ex-offioio chairman of the council of states is:

1.Prime Minister of India

2.President of India

3.Vice-President of India

4.None of them

  The speaker can preside the house:

1.In all events

2.Only during budget session

3.But when his removal is discussed

4.None of them

  Under which Constitutional Amendment Act Article 368 of the Constitution was amended for the first time?

1.25th Amendment Act

2.26th Amendment Act

3.24th Amendment Act

4.27th Amendment Act

  Under whose advice the President shall have the power of summoning prorogation and dissolution?

1.Home Minister

2. Prime Minister

3.Council of Ministers

4. Parliamentary Affairs Ministers

  What activities does the President perform in respect of both the Houses of the Parliament?

1.Time to time to summon each of Parliaments

2.Prorogue either of the Houses of the Parliament

3.Dissolve the Lok Sabha

4.All the above

 How are the parts of the Budget known as:

1.General Budget

2.Railway Budget

3.Both (a) & (b)

4.None of the above

 In India when does the financial year commence?

1.First April

2.Second April

3. First March

4.Fifteenth March

 In the First lok Sabha what was the Representation of Women?





 The president of India is elected:

1.Directly by the people

2.By an electoral college

3.By an electoral college comprising both houses of the parliament and all state assemblies

4.None of them

 When was the First Lock Sabha dissolved?

1. 4th April 1957

2.3rd April 1957

3.6th April 1957

4.8th April 1907

 Which session of the year President addresses both the Houses of Parliament?

1.First session (Budget)

2.Second session (Monsoon)

3.Third session (Winter)

4. None of the above

 Who was the last Deputy President of Central Legislative Assembly during the British Period?

1. Sir Muhammad Yamin Khan

2.Shri Abdul Matia Chaudhary

3.Sir Muhammad Yakub

4.Shri R. R. Shamnukhaym Chetty

After declaration of financial emergency by the President what is the period of operation without approval by the parliament?

1.3 months

2.4 months

3.2 months

4.1 months

Article 52 of the constitution provides for the president to be:

1.Head of the state

2.Executive head of the state

3.Titular head of the state

4.None of them

Before Indian Independence how was the Post of Deputy Speaker in the Central Legislative Assembly called:

1.Vice President

2.Vice Chairman

3.Deputy President

4.None of the above

Before which Constitutional Amendment 20 years were fixed for reservation of seats for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in Lok Sabha and State Legislature:

1.23rd amendment Act 1969

2.8th Amendment Act 1956

3.44th Amendment Act 1978

4.45th Amendment Act 1980

In the Constituent Assembly it was said that Parliament of the Federation shall consist of the President and what else:

1.National Legislature

2. National Assembly

3.House of people

4.Council of State

In the First Lok Sabha how many seats were:





In the Parliament what is the meaning of the Government Bill?

1.Bill presented by Ruling Party member

2.Bill approved by the Government

3.Only the Prime Minister presents the Bill

4.A Bill introduced by any Minister in either of the Houses of the Parliament

In the Second reading what kind of process is adopted to approve the Bill:

1. A general discussion on the Bill

2. Clause by clause consideration of the bill

3.Both (a) & (b)

4.None of the above

In which session of Parliament Railway and General Budgets are presented?

1. Monsoon session

2.First session

3.Winter session

4. None of the above

Lok Sabha has the supremacy in which matter?

1.Railway Budget

2.Defence Budget

3.Foreign affairs

4. Financial Bill

Members of Rajya Sabha are elected by which members?

1.Lok Sabha

2.Legislative Assembly

3.Council of State

4.Legislative Council

No bill becomes an act unless:

1. Signed by President

2.Ratified by the Supreme Court

3. Referendum is held on it

4.None of them

Normally what kind of session does the Parliament hold?

1.Budget session

2.Monsoon session

3.Winter session

4.All the above

On the subject of budget demands for grant are arranged in which way?

1.Prime Minister

2.Finance Minister

3.Ministry wise

4.All the above

Representative of Union territories in the Council of State shall be chosen in such a manner as decided by:

1.As prescribed by law in the Assembly

2.As prescribed by law by State

3. As prescribed by law by the Union

4. As prescribed by law in the Parliament

Sanjiva Reddy became President on:

1.25th July 1977

2.25th August 1977

3.30th August 1977

4.None of them

The exercise of the military powers of the president is regulated by:


2.Prime Minister

3.Rajya Sabha

4.None of them

The Indian Supreme Court was inaugurated :

1. On 15th August 1947

2.On 26th January 1950

3.On 26th December 1950

4.None of them

The Ministers are responsible to:

1.Lok Sabha only

2. Both Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha

3.Rajya Sabha only

4.None of them

The normal life of Lok Sabha is:

1.4 years

2.5 years

3. 6 years

4.7 years

The President of India upon entering his office takes oath:

1.Before the Prime Minister

2.Before the joint-sitting of the parliament

3.Before the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court

4.None of them

The presiding officer of the state assembly:

1.Is a Speaker



4.None of the above

The Speaker of Lok Sabha maintains a penal of:

1.Four chairmen

2.Five chairmen

3.Six chairmen

4.None of the above

The term of the president is:

1.Four years

2.Five years

3.Six years


Under the British Rule who was the First Deputy President of Central Legislative Assembly:

1.Shri Sachchidananda Sinha

2.Shri Abdul Matia Chaudhary

3.Sir Muhammad Yakub

4.Shri R. R. Shamnukhaym Chetty

Which article of the Constitution of India mentioned the posts of the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabah?





Which law officer shall have the right to speak in both the Houses of Parliament?

1.Solicitor General

2.Advocate General

3.Attorney General

4.Legal Advisor

Which Prime Minister of India imposed President Rule for more number of times?

1.Jawahar Lal Nehru

2. Lal Bahadur Shastri

3.N. D. Deva Gowda

4.Indira Gandhi

Who acts as the Chairman of the Election Commission after appointment as Election Commissioner?

1.Prime Minister

2.Home Minister

3.Cheif Appointment Officer

4.Chief Election Commissioner

Who appoints Chief Election Commissioner?


2.Prime Minister


4. None of these

Who curbed the judicial Review power of Judiciary through Amendment of the Constitution?

1.State Legislature


3.Council of State

4.Legislative Council

Who declares the financial emergency?

1. President

2. Prime Minister

3.Finance Minister

4.None of the above

Who has the authority to call a joint sitting of the two Houses of Parliament?

1.Prime Minister


3.Member of Lok Sabha

4.Member of Rajya Sabha

Who has the power to accord his assent or withhold his assent to a Bill passed by the parliament?


2.Member of the House


4.None of the above

Who said As President I have no eyes but constitutional eyes. I cannot see you?

1.Dr. Rajaendra Prasad

2. Dr. Radhakrishnan

3.Abraham Lincoln

4.Mahatma Gandhi

Who said in his judgment that no part of our Constitution is unamendble?

1.Allahabad High Court

2.Calcutta High Court

3. Madras High Court

4.Supreme Court of India

Who was the Deputy Speaker of the Constituent Assembly (Legislative):

1.Shivaraj Patil

2.G. Laxman

3.S.V. Krishnamurthy Rao

4.M.A Ayyangar

Who was the Deputy Speaker of the First Lok Sabha:

1.M.A. Ayyangar

2.Sardar Hukam Singh

3.M. Thambidurai

4.None of above

Who was the First Lok Sabah Speaker unanimously elected:

1.Hukam Singh

2.Dr. G.S. Dhillon

3.M.A. Ayyangar

4.B.R. Bhagat

Who was the Prime Minister at the time of Second Lok Sabha:

1.Lal Bahadur Shastri

2.Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru

3.Narsimha Rao

4.I.K. Gujral

Within what period the Parliament has to approve financial emergency declared by the President

1.6 months

2.2 months


4.4 months

Within which period the President has to summon session of the Parliament?

1.5 months

2.6 months

3.4 months

4.3 months


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